meet the babe

Random thoughts great and small. Okay mostly small.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

boys and girls

This weekend is my daughter J's year-end showcase for CirKids, her circus arts program. It will mark the first time in the 3 years she's been in the program that my boyfriend will see a showcase, since until last year she was in a group that did their shows on Sundays, and he usually leaves too early on Sunday afternoons to stay for it. This year, however, she changed to a group that has its shows on Saturdays, so he'll be here for it.

My Ex will also be there, and possibly his "new" girlfriend as well, which should make things interesting. Ah, the joys of a fractured, patchwork family. Funnily enough, the Ex and I are pretty much at ease with these scenarios. We lived our history, we know what waters are flowing under that bridge. We're getting along pretty well at present, but we know what's done is done, and we've moved on.

Our current SO's, however, get kind of bent out of shape when they have to be in their opposite numbers' company. My boyfriend has never really said anything, but he kind of wears his heart on his sleeve so it's pretty easy to figure out what he's thinking. He has a similar reaction to my Ex as he has to my dad, who has behaved rather badly toward me over the years as well, which makes me think it's a protective thing. And so it's kind of cute. My Ex's girlfriend, he's told me, feels threatened by me, because he and I have an okay relationship. She has a very acrimonious relationship with her ex, so perhaps she has no frame of reference for a couple of exes who have learned to work things out.

It should be an interesting afternoon, anyway.