meet the babe

Random thoughts great and small. Okay mostly small.

Monday, August 30, 2004


apparently this silly blog is now being linked to other blogs so I'm going to have to make it less empty.


Anybody have any ideas???


Blogger darth said...

stories of the rock n roll lifestyle!
infokid exploits!!
canadian hiijinks!!!
the possibilities are as unlimited as there are badgers in the sky

3:27 p.m.  
Blogger darth said...

the possibilities are endless..i just wish i could think of something for my OWN blog :sadbanana:

8:53 p.m.  
Blogger infobabe said...


it ain't easy.

Library crime is boring. I will post about infokid though as she is a constant source of amusement. For me anyway.

10:11 p.m.  
Blogger infobabe said...

I cannot think of any more sex stories right now because I am lame.

10:25 p.m.  

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