meet the babe

Random thoughts great and small. Okay mostly small.

Monday, August 30, 2004

my hands smell like pennies

from scooping infokid's penny collection up off the living room carpet and depositing it back in her bank. She has $20.83 in "real" money and a large uncounted number of pennies, to her name. She had almost $60 the other day but we went shopping and she bought herself some presents at Toys R Us, even though the intention was to spend her $20 gift card, and it got lost in the course of our shopping. A sad moment for us but a good lesson for the kid.


Blogger darth said...

she lost her $20 gift card in the store? :(

2:13 p.m.  
Blogger infobabe said...

yes she lost the card :( and we went all through the store looking for it and we even asked customer service whether one had been turned in. Luckily she did not fall to pieces when it did not materialize, but I was braced for it.

11:34 p.m.  
Blogger infobabe said...

Hey smithie, welcome to my blog!

thanks for the link, but infokid is actually only 7 years old!!! she's barely managing the concept of cash, never mind entering the crazy world of credit. And the gift card was, well, a gift, so it's more or less free money. At the store they asked me if I had the receipt, because I guess they can track it that way, but since it was a Christmas gift from I don't remember who, it's kind of a lost cause.

PS I think I can guess what you thought this post was about :shock:

11:03 a.m.  

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