meet the babe

Random thoughts great and small. Okay mostly small.

Thursday, November 18, 2004

coworker from HELL

I guess I'm focusing a lot on what's going on at work, simply because the rest of my life is pretty harmonious I guess. This is a good thing, but we as humans are inclined to dwell on things that bug us, so here is another post about my coworker from hell.

I have always found it difficult to understand anyone who would or could spend 8 hours a day in a place and not have any social contact with the people you interact with all day long. Maybe because I don't have a lot of social interaction OUTSIDE work, but I actually like (most of) my coworkers and enjoy talking to them. This one person I work with simply does not talk to any of us, unless she has to, about work.

So we're in the midst of planning our holiday social events, and we've decided to have a little nosh/gift exchange dealie near Xmas, which we did last year also and which was actually quite fun. S and I were musing as to WHY it was so much fun, given the level of office discord, and we realized it was because CFH was on leave last year at Xmas. So the discord level was way way down. But, we all enjoy the holidays and we all enjoy each other (aside from this one person), so we decided to engineer it again.

Last week we had a cake break in the office to say farewell to one of our number, who was leaving us to get married and begin a new career. We hadn't had a social event since the summer, so it had been a while. We all gathered in the back office to chat and eat cake, and CFH just stayed at her desk and ignored us all. Later, the woman who was leaving, asked me if it was always like that and I said yes, it was. Don't take it personally. She seemed as incredulous as I at CFH's extreme unwillingness to engage with us.

Today, CFH approached S and requested that, if we were planning to have a Xmas celebration, to do so on a day when she was going to be off (ie. flex day or planned vacation day), because she "didn't want to have to take another sick day" to avoid our celebration. WTF?????????????? I really just don't get it. It makes me sad. We were sort of planning to do that anyway, since we're all kind of tired of trying to include her, but for her to actually REQUEST to be excluded, that just seems so wrong to me.


Blogger darth said...

tell her you were planning on having the party at HER house..."SEE YOU THERE!!"

1:55 p.m.  
Blogger infobabe said...


Except that I have absolutely NO desire to even HEAR about her private life, never mind experience it first hand. :shudder:

2:42 p.m.  
Blogger infobabe said...

mister u: yeah, I can understand how a person in your situation, ie. not talking to people all day or whatever, might experience a lack of work/social skills. But this is not the case here: this person is surrounded by people who are obviously very social with each other. And I tend to be standoffish and shy when I enter a new social situation, work-related or not, and I still managed to make friends.

Possibly she has no social life, though we find irony in the fact that she is a sort of humanitarian. Her global view is not reflected in her local view.

4:13 p.m.  
Blogger Arethusa said...

Thank her profusely for brining it up first and smile nicely while you flip her the bird.



I feel kinda sorry for her. I wonder what sort of things happened in her life that would result in her being so militantly anti-social. :/

9:45 p.m.  

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