meet the babe

Random thoughts great and small. Okay mostly small.

Monday, November 15, 2004

there's just not that much going on.

except for the usual stuff that keeps me busy day to day. Here is what my typical week looks like, beginning with Monday because everyone (except, apparently, people who make calendars) knows that Monday is the first day of the week. Except for if you're jewish then it starts on Sunday night. Whatever.

Oh, by the way, the list doesn't include things like drop J off at school, feed J, put J to bed, or things like go to work or chat to CA online, since they happen pretty much every day.

Monday:Volunteer 1 hour in school library. Work till 6pm. Go grocery shopping. Meet J at CirKids.

Tuesday:Work till 5. Pick up J. Evening activities: clean hamster cage and/or bathe child and/or some other home-based project. Sometimes PAC meetings.

Wednesday:NIGHT OFF! Fun or functional shopping after work, dinner out with or without friends, veg out in front of crap tv all night.

Thursday:Kidless morning. Aaaaah. Brownie night. Rush through evening feeding ritual, take J to Brownies, do some small errands if necessary or go home and be domestic for an hour.

Friday:3 choices: a) pack up J and me for our weekend travels; b) frantically tidy house for weekend visitor; c) regular morning if it's a rare weekend at home alone together.

Saturday:Chill. Shop. Relax. If it's a good weekend, me and CA are hanging out or me and J are hanging out. Or hell, I'm hanging out.

Sunday:Relax as much as possible, then kick back into gear. Bathe child if possible, try to prepare some food that includes leftovers to make Monday morning as smooth as possible. Laundry!

So there you have it. Now everyone knows how interesting my life is.


Blogger darth said...

i don't see enough "take naps" or "CA massages my weary feet" or "sit at the soda fountain with diva and dish the dirt" :o

9:17 p.m.  
Blogger infobabe said...


mister u: yeah. I have a lot going on. I didn't even mention the online courses I'm taking!

10:06 a.m.  

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