meet the babe

Random thoughts great and small. Okay mostly small.

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

10 things. No caveat.

1. I'm not sure I can come up with 10 things.

2. I am absolutely terrible at making decisions. I hate doing it and avoid it whenever possible.

3. I am a process person, a planner. I enjoy preparing for events more than I tend to enjoy the events themselves.

4. My back is sore again and I haven't decided whether it's more unpleasant to attempt to deal with the pain by returning to the exercises that the physio gave me, in a "heal thyself" manoeuvre, or to go back to the physio and admit I wasn't doing the exercises.

5. When my daughter was an infant, I had moments where I seriously doubted I was cut out for motherhood. Having an infant in my attention constantly was extremely draining on my emotional energy and I still think I barely made it out alive.

6. Despite the above litany of self criticism and observations about my shortcomings, I am an essentially happy person. I think I have a good life and I don't have much to complain about.

7. I kill plants. I have a black thumb and they just die when they enter my presence. I once killed a Jade plant, and everyone will tell you that they are the safest plants to have, because they are virtually unkillable. Hah.

8. I have been to Israel twice, and other than that I have never left the North American continent. Nor do I have any particular wish to. I'm not an adventurer and I'd rather go to an interesting city and walk around and stay in a nice hotel and eat in restaurants on the beaten path than go trekking in the jungles of South America or Thailand or France. Oh, but I'd like to go to London sometime.

9. I have a killer instinct for spelling and grammar. Bordering on obsessive. But you probably already knew that because I bet I've corrected your spelling or grammar at least once :)

10. see? I didn't make it to ten.


Blogger darth said...


i think i'll make a list of bloggers who are making these lists. and put it on my blog.

just as soon as you come up with ONE MORE THING.

8:27 p.m.  
Blogger Arethusa said...

This is a good list!! If it's any consolation about No. 5 my mother said she felt the same way when I was smaller. :-)

1:20 p.m.  
Blogger InkedDaisyGirl said...

yay Info!!! great list ... seriously! #5 scared me silly ... cuz it brought back memories of the infant panic.

3:20 p.m.  
Blogger infobabe said...

many mothers I know have said the same thing about #5. The weirdest thing about it is I didn't really realize it till it was pretty much over. Thank the goddess. One day when she was a toddler I looked over my journal from her first year of life and I couldn't believe how much stress I read there.

thanks for your comments. This list seems very mundane to me :P

6:11 p.m.  
Blogger Gorgeous Girl said...

you want draining try having two teenagers.

infants are easy.

12:46 p.m.  

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