meet the babe

Random thoughts great and small. Okay mostly small.

Friday, September 24, 2004

Reality OD!

Okay so I seem to be a person who resists trends for a long time but then falls headlong into them. Not all trends, just some of them. Like, the Harry Potter books were like that: when I was taking a children's services course everyone was reading HP but I was so not interested. Then one day I just said "what the hell" and decided to read one. Luckily I started with the first one because I didn't read anything else until all 4 (there were only 4 then) were done. Oh and I didn't DO much of anything else either, while I was reading them, because that's all I wanted to do.

So the same thing has happened with Reality TV. Mostly, I seriously HATE reality tv. It's all bogus and dumb and "reality tv" is about the biggest misnomer of our time. BUT. Wednesday night happens to be the night I am kidless, and if I don't have any hot dates with any of my many, many friends (haha), then I usually hunker down in front of the tv. This week I particularly had no desire to rise from the sofa for an extended period of time.

At 8pm I watched the first episode of the new season of "America's Next Top Model," the show designed to either make women feel better or worse about their looks, I haven't decided yet. I watched it out of curiousity, but unfortunately I watched the first episode of the season which means I'm going to have to watch the rest of it. DOH!

At 9pm I watched the first episode of the new season of "The Bachelor," the show that got me interested in reality tv. I accidentally got addicted to it about 2 seasons ago -- oh yeah and I've watched "The Bachelorette" too, which is actually more interesting I think. I'd rather see a woman dealing with a bunch of men who love her (or at least, wanna do her), than a man dealing with all the bimbettes boo-hooing over how he's the love of their lives after 10 minutes in the hot tub. Actually that's a lie. I'm a sucker for all of it.

So then there's "The Apprentice" which wasn't on on Wednesday night but which I started watching at the beginning of this season also. And now I'm hooked on that one too, though the business or "job" shows are less interesting to me than the relationship shows, maybe because they're sorta more realistic. At least, I never will be Donald Trump or Tyra Banks, but I suppose I could be Jane Shmo on the Bachelorette. Well not really but you know what I mean. I've had relationships but I've never been a model or an entrepreneur.

I think reality shows are the new soap operas. I wonder if there's a correlation between the decline of soaps and the rise of reality tv. Or whether the popularity of reality tv is actually serving to keep soaps afloat (so to speak), since it sort of lends legitimacy to a genre of tv whose main objective is to depict absurdly over-the-top emotional interactions, set in slightly out-of-reach settings like boardrooms and mansions.

Really, I watch very little tv, and since the networks aren't making money on the shit shows they're producing, there's more and more reality stuff on. It might be a passing fancy but it's here for a while at least. Personally I think it's only a matter of time before Joey finds his way onto a reality show. Now that I'd watch :D


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The best of the bunch (IMHO) is Trading Spouses. It is very addictive and makes you feel much better about the level of disfunction in your own family.

1:50 p.m.  
Blogger Arethusa said...

I got into Apprentice last time but I don't have a TV now so I'm good. :-)

3:17 p.m.  

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