meet the babe

Random thoughts great and small. Okay mostly small.

Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Everything old is new again

Today a former co-worker who left about a year and a half ago has returned to the fold. He worked here for a year then he took off to Montreal to go to Law school. First he spent the summer touring Europe with his fiancee.

They moved to Montreal together, bought an apartment, and settled in to domestic student bliss. Then she was struck by a car and killed. That was in March. He decided he couldn't carry on in Montreal so he sold the apartment and came back here. The library happened to have an opening and he was hired to fill it.

What do you say in that situation? "Welcome back"? Going back to a former job, former life, former path is tough enough, never mind having to deal with that set of circumstances. I feel sympathy for him but I don't know what to say. The tragedy occurred when he was away from here so although he outlined the situation to my coworker, who was and will be his supervisor, it's not common knowledge. When I greeted him this morning I found myself being overly cheerful but I couldn't turn it off. I wonder if it seemed forced to him. I really was glad to see him, as he's a sweet, charming person.

The whole thing makes me sad though :(


Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh that was sad. i was really touched!

1:02 p.m.  

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