meet the babe

Random thoughts great and small. Okay mostly small.

Monday, October 18, 2004

i do not know who is reading this.

some people seem to get strangers posting on their blogs. I got strangers posting on my blog! I do not know how this happens. People just read random blogs?? I don't even have time to read and comment on blogs of people I know. How do strangers know I read their blogs? I mean if I post comments yeah, obviously. But if I just browse it? Hmm. The mysteries of blogger, which some helpful reader will undoubtedly untangle for me. If anyone is reading this.


Blogger darth said...

when i first started i used that little bar on the top of the screen to randomly browse other blogs...i also tried clicking on my profile settings, and clicked on everyone who listed my neighbor totoro as their favorite movie...but mostly i just click on the blogs of people i knew, and the visitors who commented there.

and you should blog more, info :p

9:04 a.m.  
Blogger infobabe said...

well ya I understand the concept of reading and commenting on blogs of people in my immediate community. Just try to shut me up :P What I don't understand is how strangers find my blogs. Through commonalities in my profile? I have nothing to link to! I am boring! Like that guy who had the cool thingamabobs on his blog and I made a post about it and linked to his blog. Suddenly there he was saying Thanks for linking to my blog! How did he know?? :hairpull:

As for blogging more, well, between writing for my course and writing in my personal journal, and posting silly things on the forum, I guess there's not a lot left for the blog. I'll try to do better :P

12:00 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I read strangers blogs, sometimes I even comment on them if I find what I read provocative or smart or funny or something.

P.S. I read your blog.

1:42 p.m.  
Blogger infobabe said...

I do not have a site meter. .. Do i? :tard:

I appreciate you folks who read my blog. there's nothing worse than blogging in a vacuum :P

3:26 p.m.  
Blogger SidDawgone said...

So you don't know me, but how could I resist not stopping to say "hi"! I honest to goodness just pushed the randon blog button and, well, the rest is history! Keep writing, it's fun stuff! Oh, and go try yoga, you'll be glad you did!

3:48 p.m.  
Blogger InkedDaisyGirl said...

that's so funny because i was just thinking about that a second ago. i kinda freaked because i didn't know who some of the people were who were commenting on mine! oh well, i guess we can't always have our little exclusive community! 'specially when we're girls! (or in darth's case, has such a CUTE ARM!)

1:01 p.m.  
Blogger infobabe said...


I find it flattering when people I do know are interested enough in what I have to say not only to read it, but also to comment on it.

When people I *don't* know do it, well, there are no words. Obviously, I have nothing to hide or I wouldn't be doing this. All the really private stuff is in the book beside my bed :)

1:17 p.m.  

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