meet the babe

Random thoughts great and small. Okay mostly small.

Friday, February 04, 2005

"congratulations kid, you're a capitalist"

When I told my stepdad that I own Martha Stewart Omnimedia stock, that's what he told me.

This development, by the way, is thanks to my grandmother, who is apparently beginning to divest as she nears death. Not that she's ill or anything, just that she thinks she's about to die, when the opinion of the rest of the family is that she will outlive us all.

I just wanted to say that so you don't think I ran out and bought this of my own free will. Because I didn't. Although now I guess I'll have to go get a safe deposit box to put my piece of Martha in.


Blogger Contrary Guy said...

Dad just gives us kids cash, which works out better. Still, free stock is a good deal.

But keeping them as stock certificates? Is this a Canadian thing... sure, we can get them in the States if we ask for them (and pay a certification fee), but they make the shares a pain to trade... but judging from my foray on the precious metals boards, it seems like having the paper is more popular above the border. Whatever works.

5:44 p.m.  
Blogger infobabe said...

well my grandmother is American and so is her broker so I can't see how that could be a Canadian thing.

which reminds me, I still haven't done anything with that darn piece of paper :oops: I hope it's not the only thing on the planet that proves I own this stock.

10:30 p.m.  

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