meet the babe

Random thoughts great and small. Okay mostly small.

Wednesday, December 22, 2004


"The unexamined life is not worth living for man." - Socrates (or Plato)

I keep a journal. I always have, ever since I can remember. Probably it started as me wanting to emulate my mom (which is a perfectly good reason to start something like that), who is a chronic journaler. Or "diarist," I suppose is the truly technical literary term for one who keeps a chronicle of one's own life.

When I was a teenager I wrote copiously, pouring out all my angst and all my arrogant ideas. I guess I had more time for it back then too, since I didn't have a TV when I was a teen, nor a computer with internet to waste time on. So I read and wrote a whole lot, and I have wonderful autobiography of that period. About 12 or 15 years ago I decided that I wanted to fill a book every year, and I started getting a dated book for each calendar year and designating a certain amount of space for each day or each week, with a couple of pages at the end so I could write a kind of summary. Every once in a while I'd fall so far behind that I couldn't fill the entire book by year's end, but by and large I'd fill the thing, if only to satisfy my own anal-retentive need to do things to completion.

A few years ago I started using a book that did not have dates in it, but provided approximately 1-2 pages per week for reporting and reflection. Each year I seem to be less able to finish up the entire book, despite meticulously figuring out how many pages I have to use and how many days to allocate to each page. This year, I wound up about 2 months behind, which sometimes really bugs me, but not enough to force me to sit down and fill the damn book up. It's just been such a good year, I didn't have enough angst to fill the book with, until the past few months, which have been characterized by a kind of suffering that requires me to file it away and attempt to forget about it, rather than writing it down for endless rehashing and analysis. So I haven't been writing a whole lot this year.

Now for my present dilemma. What I have been doing is writing in this here blog, which, while not providing an outlet for my innermost thoughts (yes, believe it or not I do have an even more private life than what you all read here), does give me an outlet for writing and reflection on less intimate topics. So, my question is, do I purchase a new book for 2005, and if so, which kind of book should it be? A full-size book that I can, say, paste blog entries into, and augment with extra private thoughts as they occur to me, or perhaps a book with smaller amounts of space, for general reporting? I'm leaning toward the former, which seems to make the most sense. I have a few more days to make the decision, and in the meantime I can review what little I did write last year, and prepare my annual summary. The blessing and curse of the examined life.


Blogger darth said...

get the full size book! who knows what wonderful things could happen in 2005? and just print out the blog entries and paste them into it!

12:29 p.m.  

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