meet the babe

Random thoughts great and small. Okay mostly small.

Wednesday, December 15, 2004


grr, can't find a good title for this post.

okay so I got this inspiration from Yikesahootie's blog, where she says guys can meet women by writing a blog. At least, someone in her acquaintance seems to have managed this, although that was not his prime motivation for writing a blog. Which begs the question...why DOES he blog? But that's a topic for another day.

Anyway, so I read this article entitled Reading: The New Sexy on The Tyee, a local online lefty political and opinion site. The article is kind of mostly about a campaign by Penguin to make reading sexy, and the comments (which I confess I didn't read because usually those things are so trite it makes me want to barf) were (probably) critical of the article, but I'm more interested in the idea.

I do like a well-read man, or at least a man who reads. I managed to hook up with a man who doesn't read for recreation the way I do, and the way other men in my life have done, but I find it's not a detriment to my attraction to him. He reads lots of news and articles online and in magazines, and he's creative and stimulates his imagination in other ways, which make up for the fact that he's not particularly turned on by curling up with a book. He's still a smart guy :)

I liked the idea of creating a dating service based on what people like to read, except that when I take myself as an example, I like to read through the whole spectrum of stuff. Something from just about every genre has piqued my interest at some time, and I'm just as likely to be turned OFF a given genre at other times. It's all very complicated. I'm not sure I could identify a man who might be a good all-around match with me based on a book he might have in his back pocket when we met, just as I'm not sure I'd want to be assessed based on my current literary interest. It's an interesting idea, although as I said, I think just knowing the guy is smart and thinks outside the box would be enough for me. Which is why I enjoyed meeting men on the personals. It's kind of an edgy site that seems to attract people outside the mainstream.


Blogger darth said...

wow..that penguin books uk

and finding someone who reads is sexy. and someone who can write well too? damn.

11:16 a.m.  
Blogger thephoenixnyc said...

Interesting. I have found that most women could care less for a well read man.

Reading is one of my big 5 passions. I have literally read thousands of books, and am a minor scholar on two authors. I also collect rare books, doesn't seem to impress the ladies much.

12:03 p.m.  
Blogger infobabe said...

jane: I totally agree. In fact I'd probably be suspicious of a man who read the same stuff as I do :P It's the desire and need to read that is important.

darth: I didn't read the site.

phoenix: well, it's true. I dated a guy for a while who didn't really have a real job but he went around to used bookstores, bought cheap books, and sold them online for a profit. That was his job. I think he read the books too. I don't necessarily think collecting books is something to be impressed by, but my eye is always attracted to a bookshelf when I enter a room, and if yours is full of interesting things, so much the better :)

1:17 p.m.  
Blogger Gorgeous Girl said...

men who read are sexy. period. while I don't think this may come out on the first date intelligence is a plus.

6:21 a.m.  
Blogger Contrary Guy said...

Well, THAT would be a first... getting sex just from blogging? If that were the case, every trollish looking guy on the net (I humbly include myself in that category) would be typing up a storm.

It doesn't seem to me that being well-read and typing up blogs necessarily go hand in hand; if you did a survey of what's on BlogSpot, for example, I'd bet that you would find more blogs that read like a teenage girl gabbing into the phone, or pensive pre-suicidal outpourings, than anything approaching philosophy or insight.

Enough of my opinions; I'm off to figure out what blog post I can type up to guarantee instant blogspace nookie.

7:32 a.m.  

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