meet the babe

Random thoughts great and small. Okay mostly small.

Friday, December 03, 2004


There is almost nothing in nature that stirs my heart so much as seeing canada geese migrating. I don't know why exactly, but it excites me and lifts my spirits to see them. Their flight represents strength, freedom, and intuition. I saw them this morning as I was walking from my car to my office. A smile came to my lips and I had to stop and watch them as they climbed.

A couple years ago I was dating a guy who I was destined NOT to be with. We had a very strong physical attraction but our situations and philosophies were completely different. One of my strongest memories of being with him was lying in bed one morning, just waking up. I was just becoming conscious and the first thing I heard was the sound of geese honking outside. From the sound of it, they were passing overhead, and in my mind's eye I could see them, their long necks straining, their wings beating, their voices carrying over the houses and the trees. My eyes were closed and my heart began beating a little faster and my lips curled into a smile. I felt my friend stirring beside me and heard his voice say, "mmm...I wish I had my gun."

it was like he had thrown ice water over my head. My heart constricted, my muscles tensed, and my mind shut down every good feeling I had toward him, just like that. It was a clear illustration of everything that was different between us, and even though we dated a little longer, I never had the affection for him that I had hoped might develop.

it was a little sad to know that he wasn't the guy for me, but at the same time, I was delighted to learn that I could follow my own heart, I could keep things in perspective, I could do what felt right to me, and not have to sacrifice my own ideals just to alleviate some loneliness. Strength, freedom, intuition. I think I know why I love the geese so much :)


Blogger Gorgeous Girl said...

someone's in a better mood. :)

2:00 p.m.  
Blogger darth said...

lol...i guess sometimes its better to get those differences spelled out so clearly early on.

11:30 a.m.  
Blogger Arethusa said...

I've always loved looking at the migrating geese as well, but I never considered why I did. I figured it was just a part of my general love for animals & nature to a certain extent.

Guy:Mmmm...I wish I had my gun.

Dairy:Mmmmm...(kicks him out of bed) get out before I find mine.

Just kidding! Incidentally did you ever get to see "Winged Migration"? If not, you should rent it. Has some awesome footage.

4:22 p.m.  
Blogger infobabe said...

dairy: I saw Winged Migration in the theatre. I've never rented it because it was such a stunning experience on the big screen that I didn't think it could be adequately reproduced in my living room. Definitely in my top 3 from last year.


8:42 p.m.  

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