meet the babe

Random thoughts great and small. Okay mostly small.

Wednesday, January 12, 2005


Well, I generally do not make resolutions in January because I don't keep them. I think the dead of winter is a dumb time to commit to new projects because my instinct is to curl up in bed and try to stay warm. And with only 1/3 of the day actually being DAY, it's hard to stay motivated.

But, I also needed a definitive starting point for those typical new-year activities that I've been meaning to get to, namely getting my body and mind together, and I guess after Christmas is over is as good a time as any to get those projects underway. My resolutions are almost always the same. Here is a list of them and a week-in update.

1) Diet and Exercise. yeah, yeah, I know it's a cliche. But really, I've been trying to get this happening for a while now. I did Atkins (or a modified-Atkins, low-carb type regimen) for about 6 months, oh jeez I guess it was 2.5 or 3 years ago now. Yikes. I think I was about 30-40 lbs overweight at that time, and I managed to lose 20 in 6 months. I thought that was pretty good. But one thing led to another and I eventually gained most of it back. Since then I've hovered at the same weight and I still think it's 25-35 lbs too much. So I've been thinking about how to get that off. Thanks to a generous friend, I have free access to the weightwatchers site, and I've spent the last week or so investigating that and figuring out whether I can stick to it. I think I can, because it's not too far off what I've been doing. My nemesis is sugar, and if I can lay off the sweet treats, I'm halfway there.

Between being conscious and as observant as possible of the WW regimen, and making a stupendous effort not to indulge my sweet tooth, I've already, somehow, kicked 5lbs. I know it's common to see a rapid loss at the beginning of a program, and I fully expect to seesaw quite a bit, but I gotta tellya, seeing that needle falling back really gave my motivation a boost. I also plan to swim twice a week and do morning strength exercises, concentrating on 3 problem areas, three times a week. I'm being realistic and giving myself weekends off (exercise, not diet) since I know I won't stick to any weekend exercise program.

2) Journal, Blog, Course. These three things all fall into the same category because they are all about me being motivated to write and keep up with everything. So far, this has been slow going.

I've barely started my 2005 journal so I'm already falling behind in that. I haven't even done my 2004 wrap-up which is worrisome because the longer I leave it the less motivated I am to do it. I will, I WILL! I WANT to!

While I was off on the timeline a little bit (AGAIN!) in my course, I managed to get some good study time in and get my first paper of the new year in on time. The draft is very very rough, but I do have almost 2 weeks to revise it before I hand in the final thing. And I've already looked ahead to the next assignment and have begun searching out the research materials I'm going to need for it. I consider this a good beginning.

And since this is the first real entry in my blog of the new year, I guess I'm a little off on this one also. Although I don't expect to write in here very often so there's not as much pressure. I've also felt a little self-conscious about the quality of things I write about here. I've been told I'm a good writer and I think technically, I am, but I just don't think I have the most interesting content. It really is more of a journal than anything, writing about my boring life rather than the things I'm interested in or the cultural things I'm engaged in. Lots of my blogging friends write interesting things about books or music or movies, and I dunno. I just don't have anything to say about any of those things. So I feel boring. But, here I am, throwing the details of my life out there for all to see anyway. My next entry will be "Am I a Writer?" because I still don't really know.

Well that's it, and I think that's really enough. One thing I've learned about goals, is I need to keep them simple and easy, and FEW, or else I get paralyzed and don't accomplish ANYthing. If I have 2 things to work on, it's easy enough to fit them in. If I try to do 5 or 12 or 74 things, then I watch more tv and read more books and waste more time on the computer. Oh, the irony.


Blogger Arethusa said...

Hey, your blog is pretty good as it's one of the few "personal journal"-type blogs that are actually interesting and engaging. Sure you may not be mountain climbing or travelling to China, but your style of writing makes me feel as if you're right here sitting by my desk, sharing some thoughts while we sip on coffee. And since you are an admirable, amiable and very "human" person that provides the interesting info!

In other words, don't you dare let your blog languish for too long. :->

On a different note I can't remember the last time I made a New Year's resolution.

5:43 p.m.  
Blogger darth said...

i look forward to your blog entries, and hope you blog a LOT more in 2005...its never boring.

8:32 p.m.  
Blogger infobabe said...

thanks for the vote of confidence guys!

I avidly read all your blogs as well :D

8:39 a.m.  

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