meet the babe

Random thoughts great and small. Okay mostly small.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005


Feeling bored and restless gets my head spinning in all sorts of directions. I have been in my present job for six months and today is the first day I've really, seriously considered my options if I were to quit. Well maybe not really seriously but pretty seriously.

I've always looked at a fairly standard set of job sites and HR department pages, keeping an eye on any opportunities that look interesting, even when I'm feeling happy with my job. There have even been a couple of postings that I've almost applied for. But nothing was ever interesting enough to tempt me to the point of actually updating my resume and composing a cover letter.

Today though, I'm feeling bored and generally irritated, and I just want to get out of here. There must be something better, is my thinking. The problem is, that's probably not true. Unless I go back to school for some serious upgrading, I'm stuck in my current income bracket, but my current place in the food chain here allows me generous sick time, educational benefits, and next year I'll get 5 weeks' paid vacation. It's pretty sweet.

so, I'm bored. Blah.


Blogger Arethusa said...

Is it like in those romance novels where in the beginning the heroine has this nice, staid, pleasant, 9-5 boyfriend and then the town bad boy comes along and she yearns for the greener pastures? Except that in those the bad boy is always the better option.

I'm currently rather bored with school, but not really, because I still enjoy the classes (mostly) and the clubs (all the time) but it's the whole uni routine that I'm bored with and I need something new.

Which is very different in an important sense from your situation--I have a short attention span--but your post had me thinking about it again.

I'm babbling.

9:11 p.m.  

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