meet the babe

Random thoughts great and small. Okay mostly small.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

watch and wait: interview update

Well, I survived the interview. That's what I said on the voicemail message I left my mom after I was done, and later when she called me back she said she'd kind of hoped for a different verb, such as "aced." But I think I was feeling like a balloon with a slow leak, which had finally run out of air. Deflated, but kind of relieved at the same time. As I've gotten older I seem to have developed a kind of anxiety disorder, which makes me freak out about things a lot more than I probably need to. Anyways.

I think I said all the right things. There weren't any questions that I flat-out could not answer, even though big parts of the job don't really fall directly under stuff I've done "for a living." When I started to assemble my publishing background I realized that I've actually been around publishing and information management for a long time, and I've always gravitated toward the "publishing" areas of committees I've been on: newsletters, mailing lists, even minutes. I guess it's in my blood. I know I'd kick ass at this job.

So yes, I believe I did pretty well at the interview, and now it's in the hands of the gods. If I made any kind of impression on those people, I think I've got it in the bag. I'm hopeful, but trying not to be too hopeful, so I don't wind up disappointed.


Blogger Arethusa said...

I've got my toes crossed for you. Or maybe you know by now and either this is a timely or ouch-inducing comment.

1:25 p.m.  
Blogger infobabe said...

thanks areth. Nope, haven't heard yet and my tummy is appropriately tied in knots.

3:55 p.m.  
Blogger Hammy said...

We're always harder on ourselves than others are...chin up babe.

I'm rootin' for you.

4:37 p.m.  

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