meet the babe

Random thoughts great and small. Okay mostly small.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

welcome to 2007

What new year would be complete without a resolution to keep up with my journal better??? So, in keeping with tradition, I begin this journal faithfully on the 2nd day of the year, and cross my fingers that I have the energy or motivation or whatever to maintain it throughout the next 12 months.

Unfortunately I fell down badly on my journal last year, and in so doing, failed to chronicle a couple of major issues in my life that will continue into this year and possibly beyond.

First, my own health. I believe it was about a year ago that my doctor, observing that my mood has been consistently low for a while, and my weight continues to be a problem, suggested I get my thyroid levels checked. It turned out that my thyroid is a little underactive, and while I hadn't exhibited many of the common symptoms of hypothyroidism, my doc assured me that this is not unexpected, and a low-functioning thyroid could well be the root of my low mood and inability to shed excess weight. So I went on a low dose of synthetic thyroid hormone and waited for results.

I'm still waiting.

Although the dose has been adjusted upward once, and will soon be again (a recent blood test revealed that my thyroid level is even lower than it was 6 months ago, despite the raise in dosage), I have noticed no effects, good or ill. Except, perhaps, that I have actually gained weight (between 5 and 10 pounds -- not terrible, but disappointing), and lately have begun having IBS-like symptoms. As I write this, I haven't talked to my doctor about the possible link between my thyroid condition and/or the medication I'm taking to "treat" it, and the tummy troubles I'm experiencing now, but a quick google search revealed that others have experienced something similar. Now, I know that a couple of posts on a message board do not equal a recognized link, but I still feel like it's worth asking my doctor about.

If I'd been keeping up on my journal, I might be able to pinpoint when these things started bugging me. My boyfriend has a sense that the onset of my tummy problems is about concurrent with the period of time I've been taking an increased dose of thyroid hormone. So, I believe I can expect some tricky health issues in 2007.

I won't go into the Search for Education Alternatives which will also, undoubtedly, occupy much of my mind in the coming year. I'm sure I can write at least this much on that topic too, and enough is enough eh.


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