meet the babe

Random thoughts great and small. Okay mostly small.

Thursday, April 21, 2005


so I have worn corrective lenses for the past 20 years and I never have worn contacts. Until this week. Three days ago I ventured forth into the world without a pair of spectacles perched on the bridge of my nose, and the experience was.... disconcerting.

First of all I keep feeling like I'm forgetting something. I keep touching my nose where my glasses sit and finding only...nose.

However, I absolutely LOVE that when I want to put my sunglasses on, I just yknow, put them on. No fiddling with cases, no switching out pairs. And when I want to take them off...oh great heavens above, I simply slip them up on top of my head! This ease and convenience is exactly what I was hoping to experience when I decided to try contact lenses.

I think, this morning, I put the right one on inside-out. It was kind of bugging me, and I couldn't see from it as clearly as I would like. I still can't, in fact, but since I fiddled with it it's a little better. I think the prescription is a little off. My eye doctor told me that my eyeballs are a little more steeply curved than the average eyeball, which means getting contacts that fit will be a bit more challenging. Not impossible, but not simple. Of course, those of you who have read my blog know that almost nothing in my life is simple, so why should my eyeballs be?

The hardest thing to get used to about wearing contact lenses is how my face looks without glasses. Asada, geekboi that he is, seems to like his nerdy library girl bespectacled. I wonder if it is harder now, at age 35, at a stage in my life when I am quite comfortable with my appearance, to readjust to such a change in my face, than it was when I got glasses at age 15. Fifteen, an age at which it is nearly impossible to be comfortable with anything about yourself...a terrible time, really, to start wearing glasses. But after 20 years I'm pretty used to it. In fact, at the same time as I got these contacts, I also picked out new frames for the first time in 3 years. They aren't ready yet but I'm looking forward to wearing them because they're very nice.

I guess I've just afforded myself some more choices, about how I perceive myself, and how I am perceived by the people around me. That's kind of cool.


Blogger darth said...

i still do that..reflexively push my non-existent glasses up on my nose, esp. when i'm working on something...

i tend to go back and forth with contacts-i've worn glasses since the 4th grade...and first switched to contacts in college. then i got tired of the maintenance (this was back in the days before disposables)..went back to glasses...then those 2 week ones came out, and i went back to them...then got tired of them..etc...

now i want those daily disposable ones, but my astigmatism is too pronounced, and they don't have them yet...

and hey! i get new frames as well as new contacts whenever i get my prescription re-checked-i like having the flexibility and choices too, even at my age.

10:40 a.m.  
Blogger Arethusa said...

I like having a choice too. I had to wear contacts when I was younger, because of dance, but I still purchased new glasses when needed and switch according to my mood.

8:26 p.m.  
Blogger infobabe said...

I could NOT get the right one in this morning. I noticed I think it has a scratch or something on it too :( Doesn't bode well, given that this is only Day Four. I jammed it in only to become so irritated that I had to peel it out immediately. Guess I'm squinting today :(

7:51 a.m.  

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