meet the babe

Random thoughts great and small. Okay mostly small.

Tuesday, May 31, 2005

I have just decided that I am bored.

when I posted that just now to my boyfriend on IM he suggested that I drive down to his place and make him "some chicken soup in a skirt" to which I responded that the skirt might not taste so well. Dangling modifier dontchaknow. Then I told him it was a dangling modifier and he is about to make a penis joke. To be exact: "But my pants are zipped up." Does this mean I've been too long to the fair? I did laugh :D

So I'm bored so I thought I would write a few words about what's been occupying my mind lately. I have had virtually no motivation to work on any of my intellectual activities, such as keeping up my journal, updating my blog or working on my distance ed course. All I can think about is making sure life is going okay for my kid.

On friday I have a meeting with the school principal about J's placement for grade four next year. As this year draws to a close, I find myself hating and hating her teacher and I will kill myself if J ends up in her class again next year, so I'm doing all in my power to make sure that doesn't happen, up to and including bringing my scary stepdad to the meeting with me.

I had a planning session with my mom and stepdad last night and it was very clear during the session that it would be hard for me to keep the conversation to topics that were relevant, and not to let it devolve into a rant about J's terrible teacher. So my mom suggested my stepdad accompany me to the meeting. Which is good on the one hand, but also makes me nervous, just because he's so good at that kind of thing it's quite intimidating to me. But I have no doubt it will be good to have him there.

Once the meeting is over I will post more. This is what has been occupying all my mental energies of late.


Blogger darth said...

ugh..infobabe..the whole teacher thing in elementary school...i was always under the impression that given how we specifically moved to a great school district, that this would be less of an issue; but of course, it was just magnified...fortunately, in 6 years (counting kindergarten) we really lucked out and had great experiences..(uh, we did have to do a bit of lobbying one year :lol: that paid off )

not sure if middle school will be a lot easier, with the multiple classes, or just more stressful..darth jr. seems quite blase either way :p

i think you have to make your preferences known-and if that means taking the step-dad..hey, go for it :D good luck :)

1:30 p.m.  
Blogger infobabe said...

thanks darth :)

in Canada (at least, this part of Canada) multiple classes don't start until high school - grade 8. We don't have middle school.

and yeah, I was lucky as a kid not to have any bad teachers till about grade 6, and by then I could handle it.

2:07 p.m.  
Blogger Arethusa said...

Unfortunately I did not gain those skills and so, wtf, senior school wasn't pretty. at all.

I hope that your lobbying works out for the coming school year! Oh there are few things in school worse than a teacher one doesn't like. :shudder:

6:20 p.m.  
Blogger thephoenixnyc said...

I like your boyfriend.

11:50 a.m.  
Blogger infobabe said...

arethusa: Boo!! I went to an alternative school from grade 9-12 so my senior school experience was pretty good. I wish those kinds of programs existed for younger kids.

phoenix: ha ha..I'll tell him ;)

12:05 p.m.  

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