meet the babe

Random thoughts great and small. Okay mostly small.

Friday, December 02, 2005


One of "my" staff, that is, one of the employees to whom I act as supervisor, asked me this morning if he could use vacation time so he could exercise during the day. Exercise! He said that he can't seem to find the time to maintain his regimen, and with it being winter and all he can't jog after work the way he used to.

For some reason, this irks me. I don't have an issue with him requesting time off, in fact I told him that if he wants to simply take an hour off in the afternoon he can just tack it on to the end of his shift rather than using vacation time.

Maybe I'm just bent because I'm not committed to any kind of exercise program despite my incessant whining about how I need to lose weight and I'd love to get into some kind of shape.

Or maybe it's because this guy is already kind of a dervish, an extremely high maintenance staff member who paces around this slow-moving, quiet environment like a caged lion when he's not powering through some meagre mindless task. Maybe I'm afraid that exercising in the middle of the day will only make his energy level rise, which would make him even harder to deal with.

Whatever it is, for some reason it's trippin me out.


Blogger darth said...

thats a little weird. he wants to take off during the day to exercise? during work hours? i mean...thats..just a little weird.

6:26 p.m.  
Blogger infobabe said...

THANK YOU!!! That's what I thought too. Of course, I think taking off at any point during the day to exercise is kinda weird.

5:22 p.m.  
Blogger Hammy said...

And why is his disorganisation your problem?

If exercise is a priority, you find the time; if it's not - you don't. Simple.

Get up earlier, go to be later, use your lunchhour and eat at your desk....

And his "using vacation" idea has to be the weirdest I've heard. Ugh.

6:29 a.m.  

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