meet the babe

Random thoughts great and small. Okay mostly small.

Thursday, June 02, 2005

apparently I've been handed something or other...bookish he calls me!

You're stuck inside Fahrenheit 451. Which book do you want to be?

Okay I confess I've never read Fahrenheit 451 (nor seen Fahrenheit 9/11) but I can tell you which book I'd like to be: my all-time favourite book, The Mists of Avalon. Why? Because it's a wonderful story about women in a time that wasn't about women, but was all about magic, and the transition from paganism to organized religion in Britain. Lovely and fascinating.

Have you ever had a crush on a fictional character?


The last book you finished is?

Good Faith by Jane Smiley, my new favourite author. I'm fascinated by writers who can write so well and say so little.

What are you currently reading?

Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking by Malcolm Gladwell. Utterly fascinating!!!! One of those ones where I'm torn between sucking it back like a shot of tequila and sipping it slowly like cognac.

Five books you would take to a deserted island?

Oh shit. I hate these questions.

1. Mists. See above.
2. Probably A Thousand Acres since I saw the movie and never read the book and now I love Jane Smiley.
3. Three Plums in One because Evanovich is perfect for reading on the beach and I don't know if I could settle on one.
4. A Short History of Nearly Everything by Bill Bryson. I'm sure I could read it at least twice more without getting bored.
5. A book of crossword puzzles because I always get restless after hours and hours of reading.

Who are you going to pass this book to?

is this a trick question? I guess I could pass it to Bella, my stepdad (even though he'd probably scorn it), and my you have to have a blog to qualify for this game?


Blogger darth said...


i definitely want to check out Blink- i have tipping point, and i am torn as well about wanting to just rip through it..but have opted to just enjoy it slowly...not an easy feat for me.

and i'm not done yet..but krakatoa may well make my list as well..great stuff :)

and get them blogs!!!

10:49 a.m.  
Blogger Arethusa said...

I bet info hasn't read Krakatoa yet.

I really must get to The Mists of Avalon some time. It's always popping up on blogs and in conversations.

1:26 p.m.  
Blogger infobabe said...

Areth, you're right, I haven't :oops: .. and I was the one who recommended Winchester to you in the first place!

oh! oh! but I *did* read an excerpt in like Harper's or something once!

2:19 p.m.  
Blogger darth said...

info..its a great book so far.

7:47 p.m.  
Blogger infobabe said...

darth: I can't remember which character! there have been many over the years I'm sure.

Krakatoa is available at the library so I'll go over and get it today :D

7:30 a.m.  
Blogger infobabe said...

it don't get much realer than YOU, baby :*

4:10 p.m.  

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